The Lighthouse Recovery



Intensive Outpatient Services

Intensive Outpatient Services component is designed for recovering patients who just left residential setting or cannot participate in one due to significant work or familial obligations—such as caring for children or elderly parents.

IOP or outpatient care allows the patient to maintain some of those responsibilities while actively participating in therapy.

Outpatient therapy is a solid option for those with more mild or short-lived addictions. It may be a less optimal choice for those with a history long-term addictions or for the patients with dual diagnosis or co-occurring conditions.

Outpatient Services

Outpatient Rehabilitation is less restrictive than inpatient programs usually requiring 10 to 12 hours a week in active therapy. Outpatient rehabilitation sessions focus on drug abuse education, individual and group counseling, and teaching addicted people how to cope without their addictions. Outpatient component of rehabilitation is primarily group based, and patients attend group therapy sessions throughout the day allowing patients to share lessons and experiences that can help the whole group to move forward on their pathway to recovery.

Residential Services

The component of the treatment is designed to remove those struggling with SUDs from their old ways of life. This isolation from a potentially problematic home or social environment is achieved by placing them into a 24/7 care under direct supervision of trained staff. Residential settings provide care to patients who have mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms that likely won’t be extreme or potentially fatal and do not require medical supervision around the clock.

Therapies & Treatments


An individual behavioral therapy is designed to help the patient with self-analysis and identification of the reasons and the triggers that facilitate the substance use. While in therapy, the patients learn and receive strategies on how to identify drug use triggers and how to deal with these triggering situations to avoid relapse.


A group addiction therapy is the mainstay of many rehab programs. The group setting helps patients recovering from addiction to interact with others who are in similar situations. The sense of community support developed in group therapy is integral to the recovery process.


Many addiction rehabilitation programs offer family therapy as part of their program. While in some rehab programs, family members are encouraged to participate in family therapy sessions, the other ones focus specifically on specific family systems like Internal Family systems. Family therapy can help to resolve issues so the family can serve as a pillar of support for the loved ones undergoing recovery.


Alcohol addiction treatment is a complex process requiring multiple steps and care coordination between the providers involving medical interventions and counseling support. The counseling component of Alcohol rehabilitation includes comprehensive psychotherapy through cognitive-behavioral therapy treatment and additional group therapy sessions providing sustainable foundation that supports our patients during detox and recovery.


Both Drug and Alcohol rehabilitations require an effective withdrawal management. Moreover, a successful detox completion helps patients to closer focus on longer-term recovery. Long -term recovery is based on period of heavy rehabilitation involving extensive counseling and therapy that addresses the underlying issues behind patients’ addictions. Drug rehabilitation focuses on the core reasons behind the addiction, addressing the issues that patients need to resolve and learn how to cope with, so they can effectively move on with their lives without going back to drugs, alcohol, or otherwise resuming their addictive behaviors.


Individualized MAT (medication assisted therapy) is administered on a case-by-case basis through our dual certified addiction specialist psychiatrist.

Addiction Therapy

Why You Need Counseling

A substance use disorder is more than a physical dependence on drugs or alcohol. SUD is a disease.

Even after Drug and alcohol Detox, when your body is no longer physically dependent on drugs, you’re still at high risk for relapse. Many psychological and social factors can be powerful triggers that lead to relapse:

  • Expected and Unexpected Life Stress
  • Social Environment
  • Memories and Activities
  • Social Networks 

Counseling is the most effective way that  helps you escape cravings and learn to manage what life throws at you without drugs or alcohol. Several counseling therapies treat substance use disorders. While no one method is known to be better than another, property structure of addiction psychotherapy helps many patients with opiate addiction. The right treatment plan and well designed and structured counseling will help you to conquer your addiction and address your individual needs.


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Recovery from a substance use disorder involves a lot of different moving pieces. Our treatment approach is evidence-based, scientifically proven and effective.
Please contact us for a tele medicine consultation and introduction.
When all elements come together the right way, the treatment succeeds.

“You may experience painful withdrawal symptoms and relapse while in recovery. However, they are nothing compared to the regret you will feel for not seeking help sooner. Recovery is hard. Regret is harder.”

-Brittany Burgunder

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